Council Structure
Organizational Structure
Table 1 shows the organizational chart and reporting lines.
The elected T’it’q’et Council is responsible for Indigenous Services Canada and First Nation Health Authority funded programs and on reserve issues. To ensure the flow of communication, T’it’q’et Council meets at the quarterly Joint Councils meetings to update the Elders Council and P’egp’ig’lha Council. Quarterly community meetings are also held. The administrator is T’it’q’et Council’s sole employee. The administrator heads the administration and department managers and leads report directly to this position. The tax administrator is a contract position and reports directly to T’it’q’et Council. Council is also organized under a portfolio system.
Council Portfolios
T’it’q’et Council has adopted a portfolio system in which each member of Council assumes a responsibility to be informed in a number of programs areas. Portfolio holders attend key meetings and provide monthly reports at regular Council meetings. Council portfolio holders cannot direct staff.
Under the T’it’q’et Council Governance policy, the Council may establish standing committees and any Special Committees it deems necessary to fulfill its mandate or to assist in meeting statutory obligations.
Finance and Audit Committee
The finance and audit committee assists Council in carrying its oversight responsibilities for financial reporting, internal control, and risk management processes.
Head of Administration
The administrator is the head of administration and is appointed by T’it’q’et Council. The administrator is responsible for the management of the day-to-day
administration, including financial, operating, program development and
delivery, member services, and human resource management.
Managers and Department Leads
Each program area is headed by a manager or department lead who is responsible for program planning and preparing budgets for review and approval by the administrator and Council. Managers are required to keep up to date records for audit inspection and review. All managers and department leads report directly to the administrator. Members communicate directly with the staff employee, department leads or managers regarding programs and services.
Joint Council Meetings
T’ít’q’et is organized under a three Council system including T’it’q’et Council, Elders Council and P’egp’íg’lha Council. The three Councils meet quarterly at Joint Council meetings. Joint Council meetings are held as a mechanism that ensures communication and coordination among the councils.