Zawatetálhcw (The Place of Learning) – P’egp’íg’lha Information Centre
P’egp’íg’lha Council, Chief and Council and the P’egp’íg’lha Elders Council collaborated on the development of Zawatetálhcw (the P’egp’íg’lha Information Centre). Zawatetálhcw is located in the P’egp’íg’lha Council offices in the Kwékwa7 Centre.
Zawatetálhcw is a place of learning and teaching. It will support the vision statement of the P’egp’íg’lha by:
- Collecting and preserving traditional and contemporary P’egp’íg’lha and St’át’imc knowledge for the benefit of present and future generations.
- Sharing St’át’imc history and stories with the present and future users
- Supporting informed decision making and governance.
- Supporting community members and programs.
The P’egp’íg’lha Information Centre is both a library and archive. A Zawatetálhcw management system contains T’ít’qet history and information that allows for easy access to members and councils. Historical interviews, both audio and video, print or transcribed, are organized and stored as well as backed up for the benefit of current and future generations of P’egp’íg’lha. Volumes of community maps are classified and organized for members, councils and staff.
Historical and archival information and library books are available for loan to members and researchers.
For more information on Zawatetálhcw, please contact the P’egp’íg’lha Council office at 250-256-4118 or search the website at