T’it’qet Covid-19 Response
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DetailsT’it’q’et is looking for people who are interested in serving on the permanent T’it’q’et Lands Committee.
The Interim Lands Committee: Marilyn Napoleon; Marie Barney; Charlotte Halls, Cora Billy and Genevieve Humphreys have worked on this draft T’it’q’et Lands Committee Terms of Reference. Please review this document and let the Land Code Committee Coordinator know if you have any questions, suggestions or comments.
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DetailsT’ít’q’etmec Xékmens ta Tmícwa [People of T’ít’q’et Law of the Land] T’ít’q’et Land Code and the Individual Agreement have both been approved!
DetailsScheduled for Monday June 24th at the P’egp’ig’lha Community Centre. Information will be available on the proposed land code and we’ll have snacks laid out too! 5 – 7 p.m.
Drew Shaw from OneFeather is conducting the advanced poll at the P’egp’ig’lha Community Centre. 9 a.m. – 8 p.m. Al Gross from Kelowna is in attendance as a Verifier with the Lands Advisory Board Resource Centre to oversee the vote and ensure that it is conducted according to the rules set out in the…